Tips to master telemarketing to become an expertise!

Posted on Apr 9, 2021

Telemarketing, also called telesales, is a form of direct marketing in which a salesperson representing a brand or company approaches the customers through phone calls to promote the company’s products or services. 

How can telemarketing help for the business?


Telemarketing helps to increase business conversion rate by direct engaging to potential customers and creates a lead base for the company. It also provides a more interactive and personal sales service and achieves measurable results. In addition, it gives opportunities to those who are new and wish to enter the sales field. It’s a great place to start with especially when they aren’t ready to encounter customers face to face but would like to gain real world sales. 

How to become a telemarketing pro?


A poor telemarketer could ruin a business’s reputation, leaving a bad image among the customers. Hence, below are some tips to help you grow to become a telemarketing expert!

1. Practice makes perfect. 

This is important regardless you’re a newbie in telemarketing or you have been on the job for some time. Always practice reciting your script or by making mock phone calls frequently. You can try practicing it with your family members or friends. It would be best if you choose the person that you can speak confidently to or help you to relax when you are nervous. During these practices, try to take note of your tone and energy so that you will be automatically reminded during real time phone calls. 

2. Have a superb attitude


Telemarketers should always try to begin their shift with a positive attitude and try their best to sustain it throughout the working hours, even when they get discouragement from the customers. Customers are able to pick up a negative tone in your voice and lose interest in you quickly. A negative tone will leave a bad image of the company in customers, however, a positive and upbeat tone can be contagious. 

3. Address customers' names correctly. 

This is a basic fundamental to all telemarketers. You should always know how to properly pronounce the person’s name before calling a prospective client. If you have doubts, do not assume but to check with your peers or supervisor and even research the correct pronunciation online. It is very likely a customer will begin to lose interest if you start the call by mispronouncing the name. 

4. Stay focused. 


Try to sustain your enthusiasm and positive energy throughout the call. It is crucial to display interest and confidence in the subject matter during the interaction until the call ends. When you begin the calls strong and fail to maintain that especially the call lasted longer than you anticipated, customers will recognize that you drifted away from your script and fly solo. 

5. Adhere to the script. 

As a telemarketer, it is fundamental to understand and memorize the key points of the script provided by the employer. Familiar yourself with the script oftenly and it will greatly reduce the need to refer during calls. Try to make your own script by incorporating portions of it to match with your personality, but make sure you stick to the language your company requires you to use when it comes to products or services description. 

6. Pay attention to the feedback. 


Once you begin the journey as a telemarketer, you will begin to notice a pattern in terms of types of questions customers asked, concerns or objections they expressed. Please make sure to take note of the usual pattern you observed and write them down. Then only you will be able to share your doubts with your peers or supervisor in order to find an effective solution for future use together. Remember, team up is always better! 

7. Become a telemarketing expert. 


An expert telemarketer will study all the benefits and features of the company’s product or services in great detail. This will determine your ability to articulate your answers when the customers ask their questions. Your performance in answering their doubts can mean the difference between earning and losing the sale. Please make sure you will have all the answers with you at all times to avoid putting a customer on hold. 

Now, let’s recap and gather all the tips you learned from this article and make a difference in your telemarketing career! There’s nothing you can’t do, all the best!